Expect the Unexpected!
In order to take the right strategic decisions, you have to understand blockchain and AI. Anticipate, how your competitive landscape will change, economically, technologically and culturally. What this means for your business model, your revenues, your enterprise. How your portfolio needs to be adapted, enriched and developed. What technologies are out there, what this means and how best to use and implement them for your needs.
Our thesis from 2015:
1. We believe in the Blockchain Revolution, a cultural, technological and economical phenomenon.
2. Decentralized and hybrid systems are the next evolution of digital business models.
3. Cryptocurrencies and tokens change the rules. Programmable money changes everything.
4. This disruption is exponential and happens faster then most expect.
5. The middlemen are under threat. They have to reinvent or will disappear.
6. New eco-systems are appearing. Ignoring them can be fatal. Developing them can be very rewarding.
7. The new economic rules of the Cryptoeconomy will apply to many industries and radically change their landscape.
8. First, these technologies will be a back-end play. Between machines, then enterprises and then persons. They will empower IoT, IoAT and the Machine Economy. We have a convergence of this new foundational layer with other emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Virtual or Mixed Reality, Voice Commerce, 3D printing, robots, drones and more.
9. An enterprise can benefit from them by automating processes with Blockchain and Smart Contracts or develop a Blue Ocean Strategy to create new offerings for new markets.
10. Interdisciplinary challenges need an interdisciplinary approach. Silos are doomed to fail.
These are the reasons, why we founded ASTRATUM. We're dedicated to relentless innovation.